Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Sunset on the prairie

I am always sad to leave the cottage but sunset views on our way home make it all a little easier.

Cynthia's Cornerstone Cafe

This is a café and ice-cream spot that we drive past on the way to and from the cottage.
A year ago the restaurant on this location was closed and put up for sale. The new owners have made some really nice changes and have developed a good home cooking style menu.

Here is the Facebook page for Cynthia's if you want more information.

Oliver on the Porch

Elizabeth adopted this lovely dog from the Humane Society just over a year ago. She renamed him Oliver and they love each other to bits. The cat, Storm is still adjusting but she definitely is leading a livelier life  with that dog to put in his place. Oliver was a severely abused dog and has had a lot of physical and behavioural issues to deal with but what a difference a loving home can make.

Oliver loves being at the lake cottage. He has learned to swim and run and chase with the best of them but there is nothing quite as good as getting cuddles on the porch.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Little Round Mushrooms

I am always amazed by the variety of mushrooms that pop up on the island during the different seasons. I believe these are called Puff mushrooms, but I am not confident enough to cook them.

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